Wednesday, July 14, 2010

20-Something Something

I've heard that living through your twenties is one of the most ridiculous roller coaster rides there is. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns and we're not quite sure what's coming up 'round the bend or can really see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I've made mistakes...BIG ones. I've lived and learned. I've loved. I've lost. And most importantly, I came undone. In the past 3 years, I've held more jobs than you can imagine. I've switched career gears more times than I can count and frankly, I still don't really know what I want to be when I grow up.

I do know that I want to be: Something.

“[Success is] doing what you love and having a positive impact on people’s lives
without starving to death.”—Gloria Steinem, feminist

I want to make myself great. I want to actually realize what I have before it's gone. I want to take advantage of every opportunity that's out there, and start pleasing myself before I please others (mind out of the gutter, pervs).

I've passed up too many opportunities and let others pass me by because I was too uncomfortable, or comfortable for that matter. I was in line at New York Fashion Week with Heidi Klum walking by with her entourage, only now to find myself behind a desk. I was talking to Ashlee Simpson on the phone and hugging FloRida in the same day. If only I had known then what I know now. I would trade anything to be back in that position. I was passionate about what I did. It was what I wanted to do.

“…You don’t have to pattern your career after anyone else’s. Set your life up by your own rules.”—Tina Fey, writer/actress

Back then, I didn't realize I could be Something. I didn't realize how quickly it could fade, and I couldn't wrap my head around the Big Picture. I was too eager to please others. I was scared of losing. I was uncomfortable with all of the Hoopla surrounding my position and decided to live the simple life-without Paris and Nicole.

I pleased someone else. Not myself.

I have four years left of my twenties. Ironically when I turned 20, I set goals for myself. There's a list about a mile long. I may have hit a little hiccup, but I'm trying to get myself back on track.

I will be Something. Something great. Something that I am proud to be.

“If you’re not scared shitless by your new job, you haven’t reached high enough.”—Leslee Dart, publicist

*All quotes courtesy of "25 Year's of Elle's Best Quotes"

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weekend Gem

"It's not always rainbows and butterflies,
it's compromise that moves us along."

~Maroon 5